Fine wines for gourmands and connoisseurs

“Wine is poetry in a bottle,” as the saying goes. And if it’s true, then our wine cellar is an immense library of verse: We store hundreds of superb wines in our precision-controlled wine cabinets, and set immense store on always being able to offer a vast selection of superlative wines from South Tyrol, Italy and all over the world. Naturally, our hotel manager Mathias Waldner will be happy to help you choose the perfect one.


And that’s why we only cellar the superb ones.

Tasting sessions: Wine, olive oil and more…

No matter whether you’re a seasoned wine connoisseur or an interested enthusiast, everybody who would like to learn more about the fascinating world of wines is welcome to join our weekly tasting sessions. We also holding tasting sessions of the top-quality olive oils and speciality balsamic vinegars which are so central to our Mediterranean cuisine. We hold all of our tasting sessions at our new tasting table.

You can also savour the finest of wines at our Nörder Bar…